This Week:
Tuesday, November 22, 2:45-3:30 P.M. | Thanksgiving Testimony Chapel
The purpose of the Thanksgiving Testimony Chapel is to communally remember and express gratitude to God for his goodness and faithfulness to us during the calendar year. All UCA parent(s)/guardian(s) are invited to attend and participate.
Wednesday, November 23 - Friday, November 25 | Thanksgiving Break
Next Week:
Tuesday, November 29, 10:50 A.M. | Coffee and Chat
Feel free to bring a coffee, hot tea or drink of choice next Tuesday morning for our Coffee and Chat. There are also K-cups in the front office that you may use! Looking forward to having a time of fellowship and generating ideas for UCA! We will meet in the vestibule by the sanctuary. If you have any questions-feel free to email me at
Wednesday, November 30, 12:00 Noon | December Lunch Order Forms Due
Lunch order forms for December were sent home last week. If your student did not come home with one, or has lost it, there are extras in the main office.
As a reminder: all students must order lunch through UCA or bring a lunch from home. Neither students nor parents are allowed to order food through third party delivery services, and we strongly discourage parents dropping off fast food in the office.