our mission
Empowering a diverse community, united by Christ, to achieve excellence in education for the flourishing of all creation.
our values
We desire for our students to embrace the source of their confidence as God’s provision through Christ. This confidence gives them hope and the ability to develop and use their unique gifts.
We desire for our community to bring glory to God through our unity in diversity. We celebrate the beauty, creativity, and artistry of God who created each individual differently by honoring one another and restoring community.
We desire for our students to live out Philippians 2:3-4: Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
We desire for our students to participate in the full journey of learning by moving forward from their starting point, embracing challenge and struggle, building resilience, and meeting rigorous standards of excellence in each of their courses.
We desire for our students to experience and contribute to flourishing by building up their community and using resources well, with faith that God will finish the work.
our approach
Community Integration
With learning expeditions, education happens outside the school walls. It’s about seeing things in person. Beyond that, it’s about seeing the world’s interconnected nature through the lens of our neighborhoods. By being in the community, we flourish and the community flourishes.
Students unlock their future by knowing themselves better. Student’s Loves, Experiences, Abilities, Personality, and Spiritual Gifts (LEAPS) help them to approach their education with well-chosen internship experiences. Why wait until college to find out that you’re a skilled architect, artist, or engineer? Move on from high school with confidence.
Authentic Work
All students are capable of beautiful, complex, and well-crafted work. Learning at UCA goes beyond tests and quizzes to encompass fieldwork, community projects, and other meaningful pursuits.
Students work with teachers to co-design the UCA curriculum. This means that student input is not just helpful; it is absolutely necessary. Students have the opportunity to help design deep learning projects, create clubs, and give peer feedback. The sky’s the limit. Students leave UCA ready to participate in—and lead—high performing teams.
Servant Leadership
Students must be given the opportunity to hone their gifts and use them for the good of others. UCA students have plenty of opportunities to do this, connecting their faith and learning. We start with the assumption that students want to help make their school and community a better place. The UCA experience helps empower students to use their gifts for the good of others.
Heart, Mind, and Hands
The goal of the UCA curriculum is the formation of the entire person through the work of the Spirit. Learning, which proceeds from the heart, connects our minds and our hands in relevant, rigorous, and relational work. In this way, we use our strengths for the good of the community.