Week of November 14 Parent Newsletter

This Week:

  • Schoology Walkthrough Video

    • Mrs. Bootsma has made a walkthrough video of how to use Schoology. Click here to view it.

  • Friday, November 18 | Module 2 Progress Reports Will Go Home

Next Week:

  • Tuesday, November 22, 2:45-3:30 P.M. | Thanksgiving Testimony Chapel

    • We will hold our annual Thanksgiving Testimony Chapel next Tuesday, November 22 from 2:45-3:30 P.M., the last day before Thanksgiving break. The purpose of the Thanksgiving Testimony Chapel is to communally remember and express gratitude to God for his goodness and faithfulness to us during the calendar year. All UCA parent(s)/guardian(s) are invited to attend and participate. After a brief time of musical praise and worship, the rest of the service will involve an open mic were individuals can come forward and share their testimony of God’s goodness in their life this year. For those familiar with this tradition, it is like an “old school” testimony service. In the interest of hearing from as many voices as possible, we ask for all testimonies to be kept to 2 minutes each. If you have any questions or comments about this chapel, email Mr. Harrison.

  • Wednesday, November 23 - Friday, November 25 | Thanksgiving Break