Week of August 1 Parent Newsletter

Course Registration Days:

  • Course Registration Days will be held on Wednesday, August 10 from 1-4PM and Thursday, August 11 from 9AM-12PM.

  • Unless unavailable, all UCA students must visit campus on one of these two days to register for classes.

  • Students will meet with their class adviser for approximately 15 minutes to pick classes.

  • Students will be provided with a copy of their transcript and UCA’s graduation requirements.

  • Their class adviser will counsel them on which courses to select in order to stay on track with UCA’s graduation requirements.

  • Students may come to campus at any point during the aforementioned time blocks.

  • When students arrive, they can take a seat in the gym until their class adviser is ready to meet with them.

  • If you know that your student will not be available during these two days, please send an email to Mrs. Bootsma, Head of Academics (cbootsma@weareuca.org) as soon as possible to schedule another time to register for classes.

Parent Orientation:

  • Parent Orientation is one of the most important nights of the year. It is required that all UCA parents (new and returning) attend. Please mark your calendar for Thursday, August 11 at 6PM. Parent Orientation will be held on our new campus in the new sanctuary: 700 E. 170th St., South Holland, IL. During this event, we will share important news and announcements for the upcoming year, introduce our faculty and staff, and review highlights from the Community Handbook. There will also be an opportunity for Q&A with our Senior Leadership Team. If you will not be available to attend, please email Mr. Harrison, Head of Administration (sharrison@weareuca.org) as soon as possible.

  • If you are a NEW family to UCA, we invite you to come one hour before Parent Orientation starts at 5PM for our New Family Dinner. The New Family Dinner will be held at our current location, in the gymnasium: 16341 South Park Ave., South Holland, IL. We will dismiss by 5:45P to allow enough time for each new family to drive to the new campus for Orientation (the distance is only 1.4 miles between both campuses). This event is a great opportunity to be welcomed into the UCA community and meet other new families. We are pleased to welcome over 40 new families to UCA this year! If you will not be available to attend the New Family Dinner, please email Mr. Harrison so that we can prepare an accurate food count.

Freshman Launch:

  • Due to a scheduling conflict with Camp Manitoqua, Freshman Launch has been MOVED to Monday, August 15 and Tuesday, August 16.

  • Freshman Launch is an opportunity for UCA freshmen to build relationships with one another and get acquainted with high school before classes start.

  • Freshmen should arrive at UCA by 9:30AM and be picked up from UCA at 3:30PM on both days.

  • Lunch will provided on Monday. BYOL (bring your own sack lunch) on Tuesday.

  • If you have any questions about Freshman Launch, please email Mrs. Veldboom, Community Life Coordinator (aveldboom@weareuca.org).

First Day of School:

  • The first day of school is Wednesday, August 17. We will run regular school hours on this day, 8:30AM-3:30PM.

August Lunch:

  • CLICK HERE to order lunch for the month of August.

  • UCA will continue to offer school lunch provided by Chef Debra of D&K Catering. Unlike last year, UCA will not participate in the National School Lunch Program this year. UCA was allowed into this program last year under an emergency contract that was due to COVID-related government funding. Since that emergency contract is no longer available, we will return to charging $5/meal for lunch.

School Supply List:

  • Click here to access the 2022-2023 School Supply List.

School Calendar:

  • Click here to access the 2022-2023 School Calendar (note: this has been revised to reflect the Freshman Launch date changes).

Athletic Interest form:

  • If your student is interested in playing a sport this year, please complete this Athletic Interest Form as soon as possible. Any questions about athletics can be directed to Mr. Howell.

Curriculum Night:

  • Please mark Thursday, September 8 at 6PM on your calendar. It will be UCA’s first-ever Curriculum Night! This important event will allow you the opportunity to visit all of your student’s classroom teachers, learn more about the curriculum for each department, learn more about Mastery-Based Learning at UCA, and ask questions of faculty. We are seeking 100% participation, with at least one adult representative from every UCA family in attendance. Contact Mrs. Bootsma with any questions about Curriculum Night.

New Building Volunteer Opportunity:

  • We are back at it! Be a part of the volunteer work force doing cleanup and landscaping work at the new home of Unity Christian Academy on Saturday, August 13 from 9AM-3PM. The address is 700 E. 170th St., South Holland, IL, 60473. Help us shape the future, and pass the word!

More New Faculty Announcements:

  • We are pleased to announce the hiring of another new faculty member. Mrs. Keila Strong has been hired as a Visual Arts teacher. Mrs. Strong comes to UCA with a Bachelors in Graphic Design from the Illinois Institute of Art - Chicago, as well as years of professional experience as an artist. Welcome Mrs. Strong to UCA!