Week of April 19 Parent Newsletter

Stay Informed | Stay Engaged

Week at a Glance:

  • All Week, 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. | A-Term

  • All Week, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. | Academic Boot Camp (room 308)

    • If your student was referred, you both received an email from Mr. Okuley last Friday.

Next Week:

  • Monday, April 26 - Tuesday, April 27 | A-Term continues

  • Wednesday, April 28 | Start of Mod 6


Re-enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year is still open! To re-enroll:

  • Please pay the $200 re-enrollment fee in the main office with Ms. Grant.

    • This fee increases to $250 after June 30.

    • You can make one payment or spread it out over 4 months.

  • If applicable, SmartAid must be completed by June 30.

  • Upon completion of Smart Aid (if applicable), an Acceptance of Enrollment Contract (which will specify your tuition level) will be sent to you to sign.