Stay Informed | Stay Engaged
This Week:
A recommendation was made in last week’s Coffee & Chat that Student Choice Block options be shared with parents. Students make one choice (in advance) for each block. Please refer to the Master Daily Schedule to review the schedule on Fridays. Below are the options for this Friday:
1:30-2:25 Block: Watch Party: Episode 1 of The Good Place, Quick Bread Challenge, Financial Literacy, or Creative Writing
2:30-3:30 Block: Forum: War?, Intramurals, Improv, or Hair, Fashion, & Cosmetology
Next Week:
Monday, October 18 and Tuesday, October 19, 1-7p | Student Learning Conferences
Announcement: Dismissal will be at 12:10p on Monday and Tuesday of next week. If students ordered school lunch, lunch will be served in the gym from 12:15-12:45p. If at all possible, please arrange for your student to be picked up or leave campus by 12:45p. If not possible, students will be permitted to stay on campus.
Click here to schedule your conferences.
Wednesday, October 20 - Friday, October 22 | No School (Fall Break)