An high-flying honor: The UCA Phoenix Award

For the first time, all of UCA’s extra curricular programs honored one of their participating students with a Phoenix Award.

Making the award school-wide was the idea of Athletic Director John Purnell, who was inspired by UCA’s mock trial team, which pioneered the award.

While an MVP award would recognize stellar performances on the court, field, track, video game, or courtroom, Purnell said the Phoenix Award goes beyond that.

“Maybe it is the best player, or maybe it is the person who’s on the end of the bench, but this is the person who fully represents UCA, both on and off the court. They’re always at practice. They’re always rallying teammates,” Purnell said. “They’re always impacting the team in a positive way. They’re always representing Christ.”

The award is a natural recognition of the “Phoenix Way” culture that UCA strives to see in its extra curricular programs. Built on a foundation of committed coaches and engaged parents, the “Phoenix Way” culture is supported by five pillars: discipline, hard work, joy, character, and camaraderie. A Phoenix Award recipient should exhibit all of these qualities.

“If you were to take this person, and put the Phoenix jersey on them, you could send them anywhere and you could say, ‘Yes, I want them to represent us,’” Purnell said. “They epitomize what it means to be a competitor at UCA.”

Every coach gave out a Phoenix Award this year, and most did so alongside other awards, such as most valuable player, or most improved player.

The full list of this year’s Phoenix Award recipients is included below:

Girls Volleyball: Veronica Overstreet

Boys Soccer: Samuel Williams

Mock Trial: Samuel Williams

Girls Basketball: Malia Robinson

Boys Basketball: Kenyun Mazique

Esports: Timothy Purnell

Boys Track: Samuel Williams

Girls Track: Veronica Overstreet

Purnell said he hopes to eventually create a perpetual plaque for the Phoenix Award, which can be updated year-to-year with all of the award recipients’ names.

“This is the top award at UCA,” he said.