What's for lunch? Trick shots, beat-making, or philosophy?

On Thursdays at UCA, students’ biggest lunch choices aren’t what they’re going to eat, but what special activity they’re going to participate in.

New this school year, UCA’s Student Choice Lunch allows students to explore diverse interests and learn new skills. Already this year students have been given the choice of exploring creative writing, drawing, trick shots, philosophy, finances, kickball, beat-making, and a TAWG session (Time Alone With God), among other topics.

“Student Choice Lunch provides our diverse students the opportunity to choose from an array of options that empower them to develop self-knowledge; engage their heart, minds, and hands; and authentically apply their learning in engaging and meaningful ways,” said Mrs. Bootsma, Head of Academics at UCA.

The lunch sessions offer teachers an opportunity to engage with students through a different subject area than they teach, allowing for community-building opportunities among faculty, staff, and students.

For example, history teacher Dr. Lucas hosted a Student Choice Lunch you wouldn’t find in any history book: Beatmaker Workshop. Students learned how to make an old-school hip-hop beat with an MPCX studio sampler and the LPK25 Mk2 keyboard controller.

Students are not required to participate in a Student Choice Lunch every Thursday, though a total of four are required each quarter. Teachers and staff collaborate each week to offer a handful of options for student who went to spend their 45-minute Thursday lunch more actively.