
Authentic Work

All students are capable of beautiful, complex, well-crafted work. Learning at UCA goes beyond tests and quizzes to encompass fieldwork, community projects, and other meaningful pursuits.


Heart, Mind & Hands

UCA takes a holistic approach to education, ensuring curriculum that addresses the loving, thinking, and doing nature of our students. 



We believe that in order for students to have hope and a future, their education ought to help them achieve confidence and clarity about their gifts and potential vocation. It is essential for our school to help students identify strengths and passions, and personalize the learning process. 


Service Leadership

Students are given the opportunity to hone their gifts and use them for the good of others. They have meaningful opportunities to do this while in high school, connecting their faith and learning. We see service as a natural result of strong education. Our school helps students identify strengths and passions and personalize the learning process.


Community Integration

We integrate learning and doing within our community. When learning is used to build up the people and institutions in our midst, real flourishing can happen.



Students and teachers are co-designers of curriculum. This means that student input is not just helpful for a robust curriculum; it is absolutely necessary. Together, we emphasize high performing teams over individual superstars.